Quiz 1: (1) What is the most important system quality? Why? a. Usefulness b. Timeliness c. Reliability d. Maintainability e. Reusability f. Efficiency g. __________ (2) Which of the following procedures has the best cohesion? Why? procA(arg1, arg2, arg3) r = arg1 * arg2; print arg3; find index of arg4 in array names if arg4 found, return index else return r procB() initializeA(); initializeB(); initializeC(); procC(arg1, arg2) return (arg1+arg2)/2; (3) (Extra Credit*) Come up with meaningful names for the procedures procA, procB, and procC in #2. Which one is easiest to name? Which one is hardest? --- * Just kidding. These quizzes are not graded in any way. Some external resources: More on Coupling: http://www.cs.njit.edu/~ryon/CIS490/Acrobat/490-15.pdf More on Cohesion: http://www.cs.njit.edu/~ryon/CIS490/Acrobat/490-16.pdf C:\Classes\HelloDemo.html